PC binaries summary

Wed, 23 Feb 1994 12:37:55 +0100

To clear up some possible confusion, and to promote their use, here's
a summary of the various PC binaries of Python that are available by
anonymous ftp on ftp.cwi.nl in pub/python.

The .Z extension means compressed with Unix "compress". The .gz
extension means compressed with GNU "gzip". Unless noted the binaries
were built by me. After stripping .Z or .gz, the .exe extension means
this is a bare executable file. The .tar extension means it is a Unix
tar file containing several files.

16python.exe.Z 16-bit executable for DOS. Runs on 86, 186,
286, 386, 486, and probably any version of
DOS and Windows (in a "DOS box"). Problem:
restricted to 640 kbyte. Version: 1.0.1.

32python.tar.Z 32-bit executable for DOS. Runs on 386 and
486 only, under DOS and Windows (in a "DOS
box). Comes with a "DOS extender" and a
387 emulator. Will use all memory available.
Version: 1.0.0. Built by Amrit Prem.

qwpython.exe.Z 16-bit execitable for Windows only, with full
Windows user interface (but no Windows API!).
Runs on any systems with Windows (probably 286
onwards). Will use all memory available.
Version: 1.0.1.

ntpython.exe.gz 32-bit executable for Windows NT on 386 or 486
only. Runs in a "DOS box". Version: 1.0.1.
Built by Jaap Vermeulen. **NOTE**: you must
also ftp the files os.py and ntpath.py and put
them in your Python library.

In all cases, these files contain the Python interpreter only. To
make serious use of Python, you also need the library. If you have
already fetched the Unix source distribution, simply copy the contents
of the Lib directory (exclusive of its subdirectories) to a new
directory on your PC. Otherwise, ftp the file pythonlib1.0.1.tar.Z
and unpack it -- it contains just the library.

Once you have installed the library, you need to point sys.path to it.
Assuming the library is in C:\misc\python\lib, the following commands
will point your Python interpreter to it (note the doubled backslashes
-- you can also use single forward slashes instead):

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\misc\\python\\lib')

For a more permanent effect, set the environment variable PYTHONPATH,
as follows (talking to a DOS prompt):

C> SET PYTHONPATH=C:\misc\python\lib

If you need help editing your own modules under Windows, here's a
recommendation from Kurt Wm. Hemr. "I would recommend the NotGNU
Emacs clone for MS-Windows. Not only can you easily resave and
"reload()" from Python after making changes, but since WinNot
auto-copies to the clipboard any text you select, you can simply
select the entire procedure (function) which you changed in WinNot,
switch to QWPython, and shift-ins to reenter the changed program

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <Guido.van.Rossum@cwi.nl>
URL: <http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Guido.van.Rossum.html>