QuickWin Python available

Thu, 10 Feb 1994 15:41:01 +0100

There is progress!

I have built a version of Python that works under Windows (only),
using the Microsoft QuickWin library (from MSVC++ 1.0). To avoid
disappointment, I should say right away this runs under Windows but
does not allow the creation of windows etc. from within Python -- in
other words there's no Windows API yet.

The following problems still exist with this version, in order of
decreasing annoyance:

- There is no way to interrupt a running program other than killing
it. I.e. hitting ^C does not raise KeyboardInterrupt -- it kills the
process. If anyone knows a trick how to catch ^C (or even something
else!) in a QuickWin program I'd be most grateful.

- Long output lines are not wrapped -- you will have to use the
horizontal scroll bar.

- There is no dos.system() function.

- There is no 'pc' module -- I haven't tried to port it yet (is BIOS
access under Windows possible?).

- There is no module "dospath.py" in the current library distribution.
Perhaps someone could *contribute* one? (I know how to write one, I
just don't have the time. This is your chance to get your name in the
Misc/ACKS file!)

- It has received very little testing beyond the test set.

Ftp availability: host ftp.cwi.nl, directory pub/python, file

Consider this a beta release -- please report any problems you have
with it directly to me, not to the mailing list.

Good luck,

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <Guido.van.Rossum@cwi.nl>
URL: <http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Guido.van.Rossum.html>